Polyglot Hacks

Our Mission:


We give students the knowledge and help they need to excel in language learning! Whether in English or French, you will be able to communicate with confidence.

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Looking for tutors in Abbotsford?

This is your one-stop site for English and French tutoring in Abbotsford, BC.


Each student matters.

We value providing each and every student the best tutoring possible in Abbotsford and the surrounding areas. If you do not understand something, we will find creative ways to make it understandable. Our customers love getting tutoring services from Polyglot Hacks!

“Jag is a super friendly and has a great teaching style to maximize time in your tutoring sessions. I’m glad my son went to him for help in French, by far the best tutoring experience we’ve had. Thanks, Jag!”

Customer: Jonathan Yu


Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have questions and we want to give you answers! In this section, we’ve written the answers to four of the most frequent questions we get asked by customers. We hope this section helps answer your thoughts. If you would like to ask other questions, visit our Contact us page and we’ll be happy to help you!


HOw is tutoring beneficial?

Tutoring programs give students the skills they need to study and learn on their own so they can reach their goals both inside and outside of school. Tutoring can help your child develop better communication skills and build better relationships with peers inside and outside of the classroom.

How many tutoring sessions are needed?

While each student is different and some will require intensive support, for most students, it makes sense to meet with a tutor twice per week.

What does a tutoring session look like?

A tutoring session with Polyglot Hacks can be focused on a variety of things depending on the area in which you need help the most. We provide help with improving listening skills, reading skills, writing skills and speaking skills. Additionally, if a student needs help with their homework, we assist them with that as well. One tutoring session is always 60 minutes (one hour) long.

What age should you start tutoring?

For the earliest age, we recommend starting one on one tutoring at 6 years old. This is the age at which students are able to understand more and are growing mentally. Of course, it also depends on the student as everyone has different abilities at different ages.